Get an instant idea of what Lawn Renovation is likely to cost At you Property.
Generate an instant estimate based on similar jobs from lawns around the Baldivis area. You can use this to get an indication of costings, then schedule an in person quote to find out exactly what your lawns will cost.
How to use this form
1. Measure how big your lawn is in square meters, you can do this using either a measuring tape or the Google Maps measuring feature. (Please note that the more accurate your measurements, the more accurate the from will be.)
2. Use the green slider at the top of this form to input the area of your lawn in square meters.
3. The form will instantly calculate an average range of prices that you could expect a regular fortnightly mowing service to cost. These prices are based on previous quotes completed by Silverstone Gardening.
The prices in this form are only intended to give an indication of costings for lawns cut every fortnight. This helps you to instantly know if our services are likely to fall within your budget.
If you would like to book in a service contact Silverstone Gardening and we will organise the rest.
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Ready For A Beautiful Lawn?
Click below to get high quality lawn renovation services, in the Baldivis area, by qualified and experienced staff.
With Silverstone Gardening you get the highest quality services. Our experienced and qualified gardeners know how to idetify your lawns problems and how to give you amazing results and our local admin team make everything easy to organise.
If you want these services at your property contact us today for a quote.
If you want to learn more about our vertimowing, aeration and top dressing services continue reading below.
If your grass has become spongy to walk on, is lacking colour, and scalps easily then you most likely have a build up of lawn thatch and vertimowing is the service you need. Lawns in Baldivis frequently battle for health due to the prevalence of thatch. Our professional vertimowing services in Baldivis will remove your lawns thatch layer and help your lawn get back to full health and colour.
Why is vertimowing good for your lawn?
Vertimowing (also known as scarifying or dethatching) is a labor-intensive, aggressive mowing service that uses specialised mowers to remove thatch from your lawns. Removing thatch has four major benefits to your lawn.
- Enhances absorption and retention of water
Unfortunately, the thatch in your lawn will absorb water from rain or reticulation before it reaches the root zone. This water is wasted to evaporation before it can provide any advantage to the lawn. Vertimowing removes the thatch from the lawn which allow water to get down to the root zone, where it is needed. - Enhances the hue and vitality of the lawn
In the same way that vertimowing improves water absorption, it also boosts the uptake of nutrients from fertilisers. This will result in a more attractive, more resilient lawn. - Protects against scalping
As thatch builds up over time, it causes lawnmowers to “sink” into the grass. This make the lawn difficult to mow and easy to scalp. This issue will be resolved by removing the thatch with vertimowing. - Prevents fungal infections
Some fungal diseases thrive in a moist, damp thatch environment. The practice of vertimowing aids in the prevention of these diseases.
Our Vertimowing Process
Silverstone Gardening uses only the highest-quality vertimowing equipment to get the greatest results for your lawns. Every service consists of:
- Removal of thatch
- Mowing to reset grass height
- Applications of high-quality fertilisers, wetting agents, and soil amendments to stimulate the growth of new, healthy growth.
- Removal of vertimowing waste off-site
Vertimowing is a very messy, labor-intensive, and waste-intensive practise. If you would like a quote for vertimowing on your property, please fill out a quote form and a member of our helpful staff will arrange one for you. Our gardeners in the Baldivis region are happy to respond to any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure.
In Western Australia, aeration is a necessary service for anyone who is serious about maintaining a beautiful lawn. Aeration of a lawn is the practise of creating holes in the soil to relieve soil compaction. There are four main benefits to lawn aeration.
- Improves the wettability of dry or hydrophobic soils
Hydrophobic soils repel water and are one of the greatest issues when trying to have a beautiful lawn in Baldivis. Aeration relieves soil compaction and allows more water down into the root zone. - Root growth stimulant
Researchers demonstrated in 2013 that the more compacted a soil is, the fewer roots that soil will have. Likewise, the less compact the soil is the more roots are present in that soil. Aeration decreases soil compation and in return, increases the root growth of your lawn. Deeper roots make your grass more tolerant of periods of heat and drought and lessen its demand for excessive watering. - Enhances your lawn’s receptivity to fertilisers
Aeration facilitates the transport of fertilisers to the root zone. Consequently, after aeration, lawns will respond significantly better to fertilisation. - Toxic gas emissions from the soil
Some soils can accumulate harmful gases. This is particularly true of certain fungal disease, such as fairy ring, which can create toxic gases. Aeration opens up the the soil and aids in the release of these poisonous gases, which has significant health benefits for the grass.
Our aeration process
Silverstone Gardening uses only the best quality equipment to give the greatest results to your lawns. We can also add fertiliser and wetting agent applications to your aeration service to allow a full transformation.
Top Dressing
Top dressing is the process of applying a thin coating of soil to a lawn’s surface in order to increase its quality. The four most important benefits of topdressing are:
- Creating a level lawn
Lawns that are bumpy or uneven are easy to scalp, especially when using a cylinder mower. Filling in the low spots of the grass with topsoil will allow for a more uniform finish, resulting in a more beautiful lawn. - Improving soil conditions
If done with a high-quality soils, topdressing can aid in boosting the soil’s organic matter. This can have substantial, long-lasting benefits for your lawns and is especially effective when combined with core aeration, since the beneficial soil will fill the core holes and penetrate deeper into the soil profile. - Helping a damaged or diseased lawn to recover
Additionally, topdressing can aid in the repair of damaged parts of a lawn. Reduce the time required for the lawn to recover to full health by applying a thin layer of topsoil over bare spots. - Aiding in the control of thatch
While top dressing cannot cure a truly thatch-infested lawn, it can minimise thatch buildup and reduce the need for vertimowing.
Our topdressing process
Silverstone Gardening provides access to a vast selection of high-quality soils that may be tailored to your lawn’s individual demands and objectives. Our professional gardeners have a keen eye for detail and access to the most advanced tools, allowing them to complete works of any size.
After Care
After a vertimowing, aeration, or topdressing service has been performed, your lawn will have long-lasting success so long as you provide it with the proper maintenance.
Two to four weeks after each grass improvement treatment, Silverstone Gardening conducts a check on your job to make sure everything is going well. If you have any service-related questions, we are available to assist you.
Here are three pieces we’ve published to assist you maximise your lawn’s potential following renovations. If you require a regular service to maintain your lawn and garden, we can also assist you.